Sunday, May 20, 2012

this is story about love~

this is story about love :)

being in love is such a wonderful feeling that you would ever felt.
you will be happy in every second in your life.
the person who love you will take a very good care about yourself.
he willing  to call and keep messaging you everyday even every time.
without conscious, its just the same question everyday.
 'gud morning' 'have you take your breakfast?' 'are you feeling alright?' 'doing well now?' 'have you eat?' 'i'm really worried bout you' 'take a gud care of yourself' 'i miss you' 'gud night' 'have a happy day tomorrow'

and you will answer all the same questions without tireless.
you always think that he will always be by your side, never let you go.
you think that you wont be able to feel the life without him.

its a habit for you to call out his name everyday.
see the pictures of him and smile.
people might think you 're crazy but you are just keep on smiling.

promise each other from the start and always.
to love, loyal, trust, care, truthful.

this love story will never end.
and together will be happy, ever after...

: : but how can you love someone when you afraid to fall..:'( .still Allah is the only one that you should love coz only Allah Maha Mencintai makhluk nya :')  : : 


Thursday, May 17, 2012

hidupkan hati dengan zikir.

In the name of Allah. The Greatest.

Zikir ialah ''makanan hati'. macam perut jugak, kene isi so tak la lapar, tak kebulur, tak la mati.
bayangkan bile kite langsung tak buat, tak bagi hati kite makan, kosong la jadinye..serba tak kena, ade je tak puas hati, ini tak cukup, itu tak cukup. buat la ape pon, ade je tak kene.

lagi pun bukan susah mane. 'sebaik-baik amal ialah yang tidak diketahui oleh orang lain'.
name pon makanan hati, ucapla dalam hati, tak perlu pon nak tunjuk2. tau tak buat kerja tunjuk2 ni penat?
sebab aku pernah, konon2 nak la tunjuk rajin, nak la orang tau kite buat kerja. tapi siyesly rase hipokrit gile sebab macam tak ikhlas. last2 rase sia2 je. hiu-hiu~
so better change jangan tunjuk2, biar la orang lain tak tahu or buat2 tak tahu yang kite buat kerje, tapi Allah tahu. itu yang penting!

abah selalu pesan, ''awe, jangan lupe zikir selalu. tengah tengok tv ke, tengok cite korea ke, sambil sambil tu zikir. bile kite ingat Dia, Dia ingat kite. '' *cerite korea jugak yang di mention -.-''
pentingnye ingat-mengingatkan supaye kite tak terlupe.terime kasih abah!

''Maka sebutlah Aku, niscaya Aku akan menyebut kalian, dan bersyukurlah kalian kepada-Ku dan janganlah kufur.'' (surat al-Baqarah, 2: 152)

''Iaitu orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan dzikir kepada Allah. Ingatlah bahawa dengan dzikrullah hati menjadi tenang.'' (13.28)

''Dari Jabir bin Abdullah berkata,'' Aku mendengar Rasullullah s.a.w bersabda, ''Sebaik-baik Zikir adalah 'La Ilaha Illallah' dan sebaik-baik doa adalah Alhamdulillah''. (HR Hakim)

mudahkan? :)

: : kadang2 terover kete,merepek, cakap tah ape2, selitkan dengan zikir. jom same2 amalkan! :) : :